The Wakerobin is the newsletter of the Muskoka Field Naturalists. It is published six times a year as a benefit for the paid members of the club. It includes the schedule for the meetings and outings, articles on meeting presentations, outings reports, items on local nature issues, sightings lists, news of club members, and summaries of nature counts conducted by the Club. New Club members will receive the Wakerobin electronically by email.

The newsletter is named in honour of the purple trillium, a spring ephemeral, which is a well loved native flower of Muskoka. A deep red colour, the plant heralds the return of spring, as do the first robins, thus its common name, wake-robin.  A picture of the purple trillium also serves as the MFN logo and is featured on the Wakerobin masthead.

Muskoka Field Naturalists