All of our meetings and most of our outings are free and open to the public, but we hope that you will want to become a member. 100% of membership fees go towards supporting our great line-up of speakers and outings, renting space for our meetings, defraying publishing and mailing costs associated with our newsletter, sponsoring youth delegates to Ontario Nature conferences, paying for materials for our build projects, and maintaining our website.
The membership year runs from April 1 through March 31. Membership for the current year is as follows:
Family $35.00
Individual $25.00
Student $10.00
Family memberships are available to any couple or immediate family of two or more. Student memberships are available to any University or High School student or younger.
Your membership includes a one year subscription to our bi-monthly newsletter, the Wakerobin.
Membership can be paid by cash or cheque at any of our meetings. You can also join by highlighting, copying, and printing the form below, filling it out, and mailing it along with a cheque (payable to Muskoka Field Naturalists) to:
Membership Chair
47 Aubrey Street
Bracebridge, ON
P1L 1L9
Membership type (please check one)
Family $35.00
Individual $25.00
Student $10.00
Name(s): (give all family names in full)
Address: _________________________________
Postal code: ______________________________
Telephone: ______________________________
Email: ___________________________________